Friday, March 30, 2012

...and there went March!

Well they do say that time flies when you're having fun, but this is ridiculous!  Where did March go? 

I think it must have got lost somewhere in between birthdays (mine and Brian's), an anniversary (21 years since we started dating), a spring break (Becca's, and she really needed it), various late winter coughs and colds, and an outbreak of kitchen redecorating. 

The kitchen was inspired by a beautiful piece of beech countertop that Brian and Caity found at a scrap wood place, they brought it home, cut it to size, refinished it, and it's now installed on my cut-down island.  We lost the old cooktop, removed one stack of drawers, and turned the island 90 degrees, also removing the doors so that the pans are easily accessible and they look pretty, too!  Then I got to work with a can of paint and refinished all the lower cabinets.  This really needs pictures...hang on a minute, let me go and find the camera...

First, and most important, here is Connie, in all her beautiful Aga glory!  Guess where everyone likes to sit....

Here's the new island.

 and the newly painted cabinets....

next on the list will be new countertops and white trim! 
 and here's where I'm blogging from!  With knitting, of course!  ;-) 
You can see which part of the floor is refinished and which hasn't been sanded back yet - there was no wood underneath the old island, so we're going to use the torn out bathroom flooring to tidy that up and make it all match nicely.  The refinishing of the rest of the floor will happen after that, probably in fall when we want to be back inside again. 

The ceiling needs paint, and one of the new light fittings hasn't been installed yet, but it's coming along nicely, and we're enjoying the new brighter space. 

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